If you need help, please contact us or send us an e-mail.
We are sure that you will get our answer as soon as possible.

Contact data:

Mników 322
PL 32-084 Morawica, Polska
tel.:+48 12 423-60-65,
+48 12 656-44-91
fax: +48 12 280-55-20

Sales department

Anna Macugowska
email: anna@heatpol.com.pl

mob: + 48 573-395-205


UK and Scandinavian Contacts

Agata Dziekan
email: biuro.agata@heatpol.com.pl
mob: +48 602 243 113


Paul Heighton

email: p.heighton@heatpol.com.pl

Technical support

Krzysztof Kominek
email: k.kominek@heatpol.com.pl

+48 12 423-60-65,
+48 12 656-44-91,
fax: +48 12 280-55-20

Contact with us

    Map of directions below. Coming from Kryspinowa should be followed on the
    Eco zone of Mnikow

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